Predavanje prof. Juri Panebraceva

U petak, 23. februara 2024. godine, prof. Juri Panebracev sa Zajedničkog instituta za nuklearna istraživanja (JINR) u Dubni, Rusija, održao je predavanje pod nazivom „Zajednički institut za nuklearna istraživanja (Dubna) – nauka i nastava“. Ovaj vrhunski naučnik ima ogroman naučni doprinos u naučnoj oblasti nuklearne fizike i šef je Laboratorije za fiziku visokih energija kao i Univerzitetskog centra JINR, JINR, Dubna, Rusija.

Predavanje prof. Panebraceva je bilo podijeljeno u dva dijela. U prvom dijelu je predstavljen institut, njegove laboratorije i istraživački centri koji nisu vezani isključivo za oblast nuklearne fizike, već i mnoge druge oblasti, uključujući istraživanja novih materijala, nanotehnologije, astrobilogiju i druge.

Drugi dio predavanja se odnosio na razvoj novih nastavnih metoda, a posebno korištenje resursa za izvođenje nastave na daljinu kao i korištenje virtuelnih laboratorija, koje ovaj institut razvija za sve nivoe nastave (

Profesor Panebracev je uputio poziv svim zainteresovanima, kako studentima – tako i saradnicima i nastavnicima našeg univerziteta da koriste njihove dostupne resurse, kao i da se prijave za naučnu saradnju sa JINR institutom u Dubni.

Prof. Yuri Panebrattsev lecture

On Friday, February 23, 2024, Prof. Yuri Panebrattsev from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, gave a lecture entitled „Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna) – Science and Education“. This top scientist has a huge scientific contribution in the scientific field of nuclear physics and is the head of the Departments: Laboratory for High Energy Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia; JINR University Center, JINR, Dubna, Russia.

Prof. Panebrattsev divided his lecture into two parts. In the first part, he presented his institute and presented his laboratories and research centers, which are not exclusively related to the field of nuclear physics, but develop many other fields, including research into new materials, nanotechnology, astrobiology and others.

The second part of the lecture was related to the development of new teaching methods, especially the use of online learning resources as well as the use of virtual laboratories, which this institute develops for all levels of teaching (

Professor Panebrattsev invited all those interested to use their available resources, as well as to apply for scientific cooperation with their institute, both for students and for teaching staff of our university.

Autor teksta: prof. dr Siniša Vučenović