dr Nemanja Rakić
KONTAKT (broj kancelarije, telefon, e-mail adresa
29, nemanja.rakic@pmf.unibl.org
KRATAK OPIS ZADUŽENJA (Katedra, uža naučna oblast/oblast naučnog istraživanja):
Uža naučna oblast: Astronomija (uključujući astrofiziku sa naukom o svemiru)
katedra za teorijsku fiziku
Doktor astronomskih nauka, Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Master astrofizike, Astromundus- ErasmusMundus Master program
Fizičar, Prirodno-matematičkih nauka, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu
Prvi ciklus:
Obrada rezultata mjerenja, Računari u fizici, Osnovi astronomije, Osnovi astrofizike, Astronomija sa astrofizikom, Simulacije u nastavi fizike, Popularizacija fizike
Drugi ciklus:
Simulacije u nastavi fizike, Odabrana poglavlja astronomije
D Ilić et al., Long-Term Optical Monitoring of Broad-Line AGNs (LoTerm AGN): Case Study of NGC 3516, Physics 6 (1) (2023), 31-45
D Ilić, N Rakić, LČ Popović, Fantastic Fits with fantasy of Active Galactic Nuclei Spectra — Exploring the Fe II emission near the Halpha line, ApJS 267 19, (2023)
T Petrushevska et al., The rise and fall of the iron-strong nuclear transient PS16dtm, Astronomy and Astrophysics 669, A140, (2023)
N Rakić, Kinematics of the H α and H β broad-line region in an SDSS sample of type-1 AGNs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516 (2), (2022),1624-1634
D Ilić et al., A flare in the optical spotted in the changing-look Seyfert NGC 3516, Astronomy & Astrophysics 638, A13, (2020)
L Barack et al., Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap, Classical and quantum gravity 36 (14), (2019),143001
N Rakić, D Ilić, LČ Popović, The intrinsic Baldwin effect in NLSy 1 galaxies, Proceedings of Science, (2018)
D Ilić et al., Long-term monitoring of the broad-line region properties in a selected sample of AGN, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 4, 12 (2017)
N Rakić et al., The intrinsic Baldwin effect in broad Balmer lines of six long-term monitored AGNs, Astronomy & Astrophysics 603, A49 (2017)